2025 Gratitude Diary

It is with a deep sense of satisfaction that we welcome you to your next year with the latest edition of the “Gratitude Diary and Daily Planner”.

To be Grateful for “what is” has been a personal path to freedom.  When we stop to allow and fully accept the reality of this current moment – NOW – a calmness and centeredness is revealed and available to us. 

With this diary, we are hoping for you also, to find the inspiration to stop, smell the roses, and take stock of what is truly important, in a world that appears to be turning in an ever increasing pace.


Take a moment each day to breathe and ask yourself the following questions…  What is it that you are currently grateful for?  What is good? What is working and what is valuable?

In your daily planner you will notice a space at the beginning of each day to journal these thoughts.  You will be amazed at how this very simple practice and commitment will expand for you what is good and what is true!

There is an old saying “where your attention goes, Energy flows”.  It takes just 5 minutes and the positive effects will last a lifetime…Your lifetime.

We wish you an abundant and evolutionary year and would love to hear about your experiences and miracles you will inevitably encounter.

With Gratitude,
Melanie Spears, Creator
Michael Chiles, Your New Zealand connection

To restore the balance of masculine and feminine energies on the planet through the empowerment of the feminine and love of the masculine


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